Sunday, December 11, 2011

George Bailey and Clark Griswold Collide

During the Christmas season, my husband is a perfect mix of
Clark Griswold  and  George Bailey
Clark:  Lights man, family man, egg nog man, drives a large family vehicle fast with a tree strapped to the top man. And, if we had any hills, he would go sledding on a saucy saucer, just like Clark, all the way to Wal-Mart.
George:  Funny man, romantic man, charming man, generous man, adores his wife and kids man, makes the best of the worst man, looks good in a suit man (I get to see him in one about 3 times a year - wowzers!!!).
Saturday morning, he led my little army in a valiant effort to light up our house for Christmas....
I couldn't resist buying the hat for him, and he was a great sport and wore it for me.  I think he secretly liked it!
There was a lot of showing off that day, muscle flexing and all.  He should know by now, five kids later, I still have the hots for him.  "That's ok, Honey, go ahead and flex!"

Ladder moving drama from Henry. "It's soooooo heavy mom! But, wook how stwong I am!"
Then, the older two disappeared from the action, so I decided to hunt them down and give them a lecture about slacking off (sprinkled with a few threats about losing their hot chocolate and throwing the Wii in the trash if they don't get back to work.) Focus people! Your dad has a serious mission to accomplish, and he needs your help!
You won't believe where I found them.  Or, maybe you will...
One in a bush, and one in a tree.  Then, the one in the tree joined the one in the bush. And, they wanted me to join them in the bush, and I politely declined, because I had to pray that they wouldn't fall and take pictures at the same time.
They scaled up the center of this enormous bush in the center of their grandparent's yard.  That thing is a monster!  I was really entertained by how impressed they were with themselves!  Lights, muscle flexing, bush climbing, it's all too much for one mom to handle in a day!
How did Henry get up there?  He lost his glubs (still refuses to say gloves) during the rigorous climb.  Both of them.

So, I went inside to find Henry another pair of glubs and to unearth Steve's best suit. Time for a costume change.  Now that Clark has worked his magic on the house, it's time for a little George Bailey charm :)!

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