When I consider that he has entrusted me to care for and love His children, His son (my husband) and all that comes with being a wife and mother, when I view my vocation as a steward, everything changes - especially my persepctive and disposition when approaching each and every day - no matter how difficult or delicious it is forecasted to be.
I need not feel overwhelemed with the calling before me, for He will never give me more than I can handle. And, I need not rely upon my own strength and sanity to nurture and sustain the life around me, for His strength is made perfect in my weakness. Thanks to grace, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
The little voice in my head that all day long says I, Me, Mine, is transformed into You and Yours, Father.
Bring on the Day!!
Thank you for this reminder today Susan!! I needed it :)